Home Forums Updates 27 Dec 21

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    We have come to the final posts for the year 2021. It has been a landmark year since I opened up my own page after over a decade and a half of posting on social media sites. I would especially like to thank Penny who has stuck with me since my yahoo days. She has been a good friend indeed. I’d also like to thank Bill and all the guys over at Stakeddamsels for helping me through these difficult times. Ann has also followed me over here and been such a good sport, I hope to be hearing more from you on the board. I’d like to thank our newest damsels including Maria, and then Max for introducing me. I’m happy to see and hear from everybody that has stuck with me over the years. If you haven’t said hi just yet, let me know you’re here. Oh yeah, and if somebody could get a hold of Sally, and let her know I’m here. She used to contact me every now and then on my last page, but events cut me off before I could tell her what happened.

    Despite all that happened, we all made it a good year! We will have a better one that starts next week! Thanks to everybody!


    i am thrilled at how it has worked out, both in general and specifically your kind inclusion of Maria— she sends her regards!


    Glad to be here Bmovie, and glad you’re still updating! Hope it’ll be a very fun and adventurous 2022!

    I know Sally would pop up on DA occasionally but I’m not sure what her username was… I’ll see what I can dig up, maybe give her old email a shot.

    And as for “Adventurers Gone Wild”, woo… White OTM gags, ropes, two damsels in a cauldron with visible discomfort and squirming… Yeah, really got my number there!


    Glad to be here too. Hope for a very fun exciting 2022

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