Home Forums Updates 17 Jan 22

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    We have a special treat, or treats, this week. It’s the old gang from yahoo who are back together again for ten perilous pictures. It is our original trio of Penelope, Sally, and Jenni Wu! I guess this just goes to show that some binds last forever!

    Maya has a new picture in her gallery as well!

    So stay warm this week and enjoy!


    it’s a miracle anyone from the Old Gang survived all these perils, but i’m glad they’re still with us!


    Wow, this is a very nice surprise!

    (And following up on last time: I’ve tried three different email addresses for Sally. Two of them bounced, one didn’t but I haven’t gotten a response. I’m going to try one or two people from DA who seemed to be in contact with her, but I’m not confident about tracking her down.)

    Old Gang Round Up: And you’re giving us all the classic deathtraps! Don’t I look cute with my headband!

    Old Gang Gets Tanked: Love the tight straps and the sense of “you’re next”!

    Secrets of the Old Gang: I love these face to face hugging ties!

    Well of the Old Gang Rising: Seems like I always did get it the worst of the three!

    Old Gang Reunion Part I to Half: This one had to happen! Me looking cute again.Ge

    Old Gang Ant Visits: Talking of getting it the worst! My boobs! I thought you liked them!

    Old Gang Oasis: Simple and classic, I love this one! That very ominous gun pointed at us…

    Getting the Old Gang Apart Again: Now that’s a different take on the pendulum and an interesting way to do away with us all at once.

    Saw the Old Gang Again: And another classic off the list… Looks like I get to go first!

    Splitting Up the Old Gang: Simple but lovely in a dark kind of way, wow do I look good there.

    Nice to catch up with Sally and Jenni, I miss them!

    I wanted to add one more thing while I’m here: I have “Bed of the Breathless Baron” framed in my house in Second Life. (It’s a picture from a year or two back with me cuffed to a bed in a gothic setting.) My maid Brittany always comments on that picture when she dusts it, and wanted me to pass along how much she likes it.


    Ahh..the so-called “Old Gang” never looked better! How delightful it must be to have those three beauties in one’s villainous clutches! Ahh..if on;y…..


    Wow Penny! I’m honored! I’ve been framed!!!!! In a good way too! Thanks for trying to get in touch with Sally. If she doesn’t show up, well, you tried, and I do appreciate it. I kind of miss everybody from back in the day as well. Let us hope!


    Contact established! We might have a reunion here soon!


    Thank you!!! Sally has already said hello in another thread!! Hey the gang is getting back together!

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