Home Forums Updates 22 Aug 22

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    It is getting towards the end of summer and soon Halloween will be upon us once more! Wow, it always amazes me how quickly that greatest time of year comes back! Today we have a new addition in the Variety section of the General Gallery, a little different, a little summer, and I hope funny! I put it at the top of the section. We also have our usual ten new updates in the August Peril section. Enjoy!


    Need a Bigger Boat: Cute back to back tie! I see I’m wearing my signature bikini.

    Never Swim Alone: Ahh, the cement shoes, classic!

    Pennyscape at Candle Cutter Closet: I’m liking my dexterity here!


    why shouldn’t Kong enjoy the summer water activities?

    having more fun than Penny— technically she’s not actually swimming alone, is she?

    and i love the amount of play for Maria’s chain in the Castle… still not getting away anytime soon!

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