Home Forums Updates 6 Feb 23

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    We start out the new month with a Stargate picture in the Scifi Gallery. Stargate has always been a personal favorite of mine. I remember when I first saw the movie in the theater. I had some time to spare, a hurry up and wait situation, and took in an afternoon show to kill the time. As I was watching them spin up the gate for the first time I was thinking to myself, “you know what, this would make a good TV show.” LOL, I got that one right!

    We also have ten new perils!

    Enjoy everybody!


    Chainland Cove Mystery: I love this one, it’s such a different kind of setup and a nice way to show off some damsels in bikinis!

    Turn Offs are Turn Ons: As much of a white gag fan as I am, I’m liking the more colourful gags making an appearance.


    Hope that rock is sharp enough for Demi?!

    Emergency! Emergency! Not for me but it is for the ladies! Wonder if they are in a bartering mood yet? If not, I don’t mind waiting…Bwhahahaha

    Like sands through the hour glass…not much longer and the ladies are going to start feeling the heat! Wonder where the X is going to mark the spot?

    Ahhh!!! Love seeing Penny and friend squirming! Blade is getting a little too close for comfort! Probably starting to feel the wind from it. Look of total concentration in Penny’s eyes while a look of anticipation and terror from the other beauty. Try pushing a little further up on the lever Penny, may be able to get a little more leverage that way.

    Ann..just follow the steady dripping sound and it will lead you to the key. However, you better hurry or you will hear the horrible sound of the key clanking around just before it falls into oblivion!

    Wow…another wonderful pendulum scene! Only this time it looks like a version of twister. Better hurry and twist your way out of there. Wonder if she will have time to save her partner in peril?

    When the bikini clad trio of beauties decided to search the cove for the fabled buried treasure they did not realize they had company until it was too late! Now chained to the post they get to watch as the pirates drop the key just out of reach as they make off with the booty. However, speaking of three nice booties, more booty could’ve been made if they would’ve sold the ladies to the highest bidder. As it stands they get to stand in wait for the tide to come in. At least they are properly dressed for the occasion. Get ready to tread water ladies!


    Nice render of Stargate! That was a cool movie! Unfortunately I never did watch the TV show


    BTW Max, extend your trip as long as you want. I am starting to enjoy being the sole rescuer! 😁


    looks like Irish has things well under control!

    Rack heaters— lots of excellent racks, plus that device

    Not OUR emergency?? i think those damsels merit some overtime

    as well as appearing as one of the Emergency gals, i think Maria is the one about to get away and help in Cutting it Close, but relying on Penny and that bone in Turn Offs, am i close?


    Yes you got it Max! Maria is in three of those pics from last week!

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