Home Forums Updates 01 May 23

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    Welcome to May! Things are turning warm outside and heating up here. I updated a gallery that hasn’t been in a while. Penny has a new picture in the Fantasy Gallery on the main page, while we have the new May Gallery in the Perils section. Enjoy! Have fun!


    I like my little fantasy dress!

    Nice save for once in “Torture of the Tied Terror”! Adore the surrender in “Bound to be Booty Here”. As for the other girls, I love the cement shoes in “Bar Hopping Jetty!”


    Nice peril! I love the rats dropping in on Maria! I think the rats are far worse than that torture device. The teeth biting down is a brilliant touch. Keep em coming. Vultures and crows are a real crowd pleaser. : Ah! Now that’s good work! The horror, the peril, the look in the eyes, the busty maidens, exposed breasts and the teeth chewing on erotic flesh….you give it all such a glow. I don’t know if it’s art, but I like it!


    Penny looks very enchanting in that outfit! At least she has her knight in shining armor to protect her from the monster. I have to wonder if the chain mesh would chafe a few sensitive areas tho. 😣😧

    Love the pendulum updates this go round….some in escape mode, others not so much but the tension and terror that is captured is amazing!

    Maria is in quite a pickle as her wonderful assets are facing peril in two different directions. The rats are having fun but it appears that each time they spin the spikes the closer it moves up. The look of terror in her eyes says it all.

    Maria is facing another set of spikes but her prospects of escape look much better thanks to the determination of her partner.

    Staked out beauties look like how I feel over the holidays when all the aunts invade.

    The beach goers seem to be having an array of issues from wearing cement shoes to being bound after finding the treasure and hopefully that pair will be left buried up to their necks. While the other three will be visiting the bottom dwellers soon.

    Another fun set of updates that let the imagination run wild. Nice variety! A little bit of something for most everyone this go round.



    I guess Penny is lucky to have a soldier to help, but i wouldn’t mind seeing what she’d do with that critter one on one

    to add to the alliteration, Terrific!

    with that many skulls, i don’t see how it got the name Boredom

    i’m hoping the record Maria is about to set is Quickest Rescue, but that doesn’t look likely
    as for the rats and the spikes— it took me a minute to realize there’s a Pool involved, and the water is probably rising! what to focus on next??

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