Home Forums Updates 24 July 23

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    Katie has a new summer swimsuit picture today along with our usual perils. One note, next week might be a little late. It depends on how good my net connection is where I am, so if you don’t get it till Tu or We, don’t worry, the update will be coming.


    a nice variety of perils for our damsels! Bea better be very careful with that open flame!
    and those rats may think Maria is ready for their feast, but she has a lot of fight in her still!

    as for next week, we’ll be patient!


    Love the rat on the breast! Maria’s large supple charms provide a feast for the rats. The rat is working on her nipple and more. I’m pretty sure it’s not trying to get any milk. It wants the meat. Maria is about to get a serious and painful breast reduction by means of sharp little teeth. Great work. I always appreciate the animal perils.


    Love the rat on the breast! Maria’s large supple charms provide a feast for the rats. The rat is working on her nipple and more. I’m pretty sure it’s not trying to get any milk. It wants the meat. Maria is about to get a serious and painful breast reduction by means of sharp little teeth. Judging by that pile of skulls, those rats have eaten a lot of boobs so they know where the best parts are. Great work. I always appreciate the animal perils.


    that IS an impressive pile of skulls
    but Maria has experience as an escape artist, she isn’t going to give up without a fight!
    the fun of this site is Wolfen can pull for Team Rat, I am on Team Maria— and both of us can imagine our Team coming out on top!


    Lost Tickets on Train Ten: Love this vintage style group!

    Damsels of Castle Pirocord: A great BATS lineup, perfect gags and a cute short hairstyle!


    Hoping everything is okay over there!

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