Home Forums Updates 04 Dec 23

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    Here we are at the end of the conveyor belt with a train coming round the pendulum. We kick off the end of 2023 with a new picture in the Scifi Gallery. It is a return to the Yavin Air Show where there is something of a disagreement about parking. Meanwhile, over in December, we have Penny and Demi keeping track of the bond market. This week we also have pirates and beaches, cold crosses, and someone burned my steak a little too well done. Becky doesn’t look to happy about it. Enjoy, we’re not far from a new year of peril but still have plenty of good stuff left for 23!


    Another bevy of appealing perils! Especially “Nailed in the Ice”, anytime Ann and Shelly are facing problems together are always great.


    for that batch, my preference was the Chain Train duo
    (since those foolish pirates buried Maria too deep)

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