Home Forums Updates 24 Dec 23

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  • #7744

    MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! I put this one out a little early because I’m going to be busy for the next few days. This is also the last post of the year. We start 2024 with our next posting, so it will be a happy new year too! Since it is Christmas and the last post, I decided to put some extras in for you guys. Not only do we have twice the number perilous adventures but there are two new pics in Scifi and Maya has a new one in her gallery. Enjoy guys and look forward to a great new year!


    Thanks for an excellent, thrill packed year! nice to go out with a few puns (cell 2? light chore? but no question, Alex is smoking hot)
    is Must Wake Up only a dream, its OK to stay asleep— but if it’s not…
    can’t wait to see Detective Peril 370, or do we start over in January?
    and if Maria did See what was coming, she didn’t do a great job getting ready! i guess that’s why she has the impossible task of holding still in that situation!

    happy holidays to all, see you in 2024

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