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    Mr Black

    I know you update pretty regularly. Of course that’s small in the big picture, but I just hope all is well with you BMV.


    Thank you for the concern Mr. Black. I guess I should tell everybody the situation. My health isn’t the best. I know that there are a few who know my health has been in decline over the years. It is not going to improve, and these days, my mobility is pretty much gone. I am getting by, though. I don’t let it stop me. Currently, I am on hospice care, but again, I don’t let it get to me. I spend my days trying to rap up things. I’m trying to finish a series of books right now. Two are published. One is in the bullpen, ready to go, and I am working on the 4th right now. I want to finish it before I can no longer write. I have put off my writing side jobs now, even if I was getting rather successful with that. AI has pretty much obliterated the work I used to get doing graphics. No biggie, I was getting ready to retire that anyway. Since you can’t get good peril from AI, I decided last October to keep up the posts here. I will keep everybody up to date. Again, thanks for asking.

    Mr Black

    This saddens me. But I’m happy you answered. I’ve been a fan for a long, long time, since the old Yahoo groups days. Nobody has ever done peril like you, and your other art and stories, the sci-fi / action adventure / fantasy …just so good. Be well, Pete.


    also sad to hear the news, but glad to hear what’s going on
    focus on the important stuff!


    Sorry to hear your health is getting worse I enjoy our chats and the perils


    Do hope you’re doing okay!


    How would I order your books if I were to want to read them?


    You can order them all on Amazon. I have three series and several stand-alone books. I think about twenty novels in all. The Colonial Rangers and Great War 1898 are complete. Colonia Roma is the sequel series to Rangers. It currently has two novels published. The 3rd and 4th are finished and will be published soon. That was contracted to be a six-book series total. Rangers and Roma are thrillers with a hard sci-fi setting, but they are far more thriller than sci-fi. There are no aliens or super sci-fi gadgets. I wrote the books to be more like a ’70s cop show. I often describe Rangers as Hawaii Five-Oh meets Casablanca meets Revenge of the Nerds. Roma picks up the story of two of the main characters from Rangers, but it takes place on a different world in a very different setting. It also deals with more of the larger issues of humanity’s interstellar civilization, even if, just like with Rangers, nothing takes place in actual outer space. The stories in both are all firmly grounded, just not on Earth. They are both mystery stories and to answer the question I think you most want to ask, yes there are perilous scenes in both stories. There are even some more classic style perils, and it is actually a major plot element for the overall story.

    Great War 1898 are three alternate history novels, written as if they were actual history books. The story is about a world where the Confederate States still exists and because of this, World War One breaks on in 1898 with very different alliances, and deals with how much that would change our world. There is no one event that changes everything, it is rather an accumulation of many things. So far, this series has been my post popular. They have sold over 40K copies so far, but it is not the kind of book that is for everybody. If you are a history buff you will love it. Almost every person in it was real, even minor characters.

    They are easy to find, here is a UrL that should give you a list, although I don’t think they are in order the way Amazon puts them up. You have to go into each series to get that.

    Just a suggestion: if you like them and want to read them all, the cheapest way to do it is to get a Kindle or some kind of Kindle reader and sign up for that Amazon digital book club thing. It’s a cheap subscription fee, and you can read everything for just the cost of that.


    Sorry, the link didn’t work for some reason. Let me try something

    https:// http://www.amazon.com/stores/Jack-Moore/author/B001KC4JTK?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_3&qid=1706546239&sr=8-3&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

    Just copy and paste, but take out the space between the slashes and the www.


    LOL, never mind the instructions, it worked that time, so just click on the URL, and hope you enjoy!


    Hey Penny! I was hoping you were doing ok! I had not heard from you and was getting worried. I was hoping you were just all tied up. Good to know you’re ok!


    Thanks Ann, glad to hear from you too. Yeah I do miss the old days!


    Thank you for the information and the link! I will check them out!


    Best wishes for your health BMV.
    Thank you for sharing your imagination, it has been great following your work.


    Buzz, I echo that statement of yours!!!

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