Home Forums Updates 26 Feb 24

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    Today we have a new picture in the Scifi Gallery, along with a new one in the Glamor girls. That one has Demi and Ann in the shower (just to get you looking). We have our last peril installment for February, plus, something else.

    I have a surprise coming for everybody. An entirely new page is going to be added to the site. Keep your eyes out! If this works, I will be doing more just like it.



    i never thought i’d be jealous of rats!

    Mr Black

    great updates, and looking forward to surprises!


    I guess I feel better Max, knowing that I’m not the only one jealous of rats! This update had lots of them and damn, aren’t they hungry little creatures. Maria and friend seem to be getting their share of visitors.

    Also, I really liked the pendulums this go round. One of the detectives is making progress but still has to figure out how to carefully untie her other hand and foot and then rescue her partner. Then the blonde has problems not only with the pendulum but also with the rats, plus the creepy skeleton staring at her dire predicament. Nice use of the skeletons BMV, not only in this render but also the water peril render in your story!

    Looking forward to seeing what your imagination comes up with next week! 😀 Always exciting!

    Keep up the good work!

    Also could you e-mail me? irishlad3289@aol.com

    I have a question. Thanks


    Irish, I will shoot an email soon.


    Oh hell yeah! I love the rats! Great job and they are all eating the good stuff. Maria is getting her prized possessions gnawed on. Pendulum plus tits getting eaten by rats. Damn that’s good peril. Freakin fabulous. Keep em coming.


    The motion in Gator Glynn’s real good. I love the flailing feet and hair. The background skeleton in Problems With Early Supper is pretty great too, leaves absolutely no doubt of what’s going to happen.

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