Home Forums Updates 22 April 24

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    As I sit here freezing my ass off in April, and hoping for some global warming to arrive, we now have two new pics in the glamour girls gallery and our usual weekly updates for April. Enjoy!

    Mr Black

    Cold everywhere today. I’m ok with it – warmer days ahead!

    Great updates. Love Prize Pit for both her look and the reflection on the blade.


    Up,up, and away in my beautiful, my beautiful balloon! That’s the second red balloon 🎈 flying away in recent weeks. Now I know what that red balloon with the key attached to it is that I found on my property. It has an address inside of the balloon. Don’t worry sweetheart, I’m on my way! He he he he Thanks BMV, I get to go rescue my prize!

    Minute by minute the girls look resigned to whatever fate bestows them. Love the fact that they are being forced to lock themselves up!

    Slasher is having a jolly grand time! He already has two hot blondes tied up, looks like he is adding a third. Some guys have all the luck or is it fun?

    Hopefully escape practice goes better for these girls than for the girls with the red balloons! Love the Southern Dixie Charm with the bikini Pete! Well done my friend!

    As usual I love the pendulum renders! It is getting pretty serious in Surgery as there is quite a bit of blood starting to be lost! While the festivities in the Pit are just getting started! Love the look on her face! Yes my beauty, there will be blood and lots of it!

    Once again, well done BMV! From the sexy panties, to the bikinis, to the wonderful candle timers. Lots of fun (well for us) and lots of adventures (for the ladies) with some more in more dire straits than others! You never cease to amaze! I always look forward to what your next update is going to be!


    BTW, How is the No Truss Pass update coming along? I’m asking for a friend. Well OK, it’s actually Max and he’s becoming Mad just thinking about it! 😆😂🤣

    Also, I hope the issues with your health are getting better! I agree with what Max said earlier. We need a release and something fun that keeps us going. Just realize that what you are doing here is also fun for us and we greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into this to bring us exciting entertainment!

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