Home Forums Updates 01 August 22

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    Welcome to August everybody! We’re kicking off this month with the last of our summer swimsuits, featuring Ann today! Max, welcome back from vacation and, if you have any questions about who is who, just ask. Today we kick off the month with several of Maria, Bea is in one with her, and good helping of Penny in peril, along with many others from our gorgeous cast! Enjoy!


    it’s good to be back, and clearly the damsels are very busy… i always let Maria know what her alter-ego is doing!

    on the site we do not name, you often went beyond identifying the “participants” to include some clever wordplay… for here, i think if i just get reminded for a while who is who, i’ll pick it up

    so… who is in Py Rho? (nice pun btw)
    who is about to join Penny on the tracks over the Mortgage?
    who are the duo in Peril Divers? in Tongue Tied?
    who is helping Maria in Hike Jacked?

    thanks so much!


    Py Rho is Maya

    That is Jenni Wu with Penelope at the rails

    The Peril Divers are Demi and Sara, along with Jenni Wu playing the villainess in that one.

    And that is Demi again in Hike Jacked. Demi and Maya are two of the latest to join the cast.

    Yeah, back in the old days I used to do the little blurbs. I’m just not physically capable of doing it anymore. My health is not great these days. Sorry about that, I do wish I still could, but hey, I will do what I can to help.


    thanks! i’ll take notes!


    Delayed Mortgage: Classic! Glad I got to be seated first and I’m making the most of it!

    Mystery Canal Carnage: Ha I like the foot gag!

    Penny Loose: Ooh, this one’s a very distinct and classy image!



    Sorry to hear about your health. You will be in my prayers that things will get better. Keep your head up!

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