Home Forums Updates 04 July 22

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    Welcome to high summer! On this 4th, we get a Penny swimsuit picture in her section of the Damsel Gallery, along with our 10 perilous updates. Happy Independence Day everybody!


    wait… for US Independence Day you show the English Damsel in a Union Jack bikini? should she be honored or insulted?


    She should be honored, LOL. Actually, I didn’t plan it this way LOL. When I put all these pictures in the lineup I had no idea that the 4th was even a post day, let alone what would be on it hehehehe. But hey, in honor of the 4th, let me paste you something I wrote for somewhere else, and did do it for this day.

    ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: July 4th. In 1776 the Revolutionary War starts when British ships show up at every major American city with a cannon that can destroy entire towns in a single blast. The survivors of this attack flee to America’s most secret military base, Valley Forge, where they hatch a desperate plan to strike back. Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin sneak aboard a British ship and using a portable printing press they produce copies of the Declaration of Independence. This spreads to the fleet and causes the British to drop their sails long enough for President George Washington to give a rousing speech and then lead a counterattack that saves the world! I know what you’re saying, but hey! I know this is true I saw it in a movie. Will Smith and Jeff Goldbloom played Jefferson and Franklin. The movie was called Hamilton. How can you beat that source?

    Happy Independence Day!


    Loving the weekly updates your pictures are always amazing! And may the 4th be with you!

    I am really hoping to see more buzzsaw between the legs photos in the future, these have always been a favorite and I have felt a real lack of them recently ha.


    Love my timely bikini pic, very cute!

    Captives Cook: Ooh, things just getting started in this one.

    Pennys Poor Prospects: Well that’s a form of “between the legs”!

    Detective Reporters Issue 14: Ahh I just realised this is a series!


    the sad thing is…. this has more information than some people know… i mean, at least all the names are from the right period!


    Hi Max,

    Hey do you have any updates on how Maria is doing? Just curious, but if you still have contact let her know we are still thinking and praying for her and all involved. We have not forgotten the illegal and terrible atrocities they are still going through.



    BTW…Great updates as usual BMV! Always love the unique and interesting perils and predicaments all the sexy ladies continually find themselves dealing with. Keep up the good work!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Irishlad3289.

    Thanks Irish! Glad to have watchers like you man! Thanks for dropping by!


    Hello Irish! Maria is still safe for now, and I will absolutely pass on your kind words!

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