Home Forums Updates 07 Nov 22

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    Here we are in November now. Wow has this year really gone by. To kick this month off Penny has a new picture in the Scifi section of the General Gallery. She’s taking her shift at the con. We also have 10 new pics on the perils page. Maria has a rather classic looking peril in this installment. Enjoy everybody!


    Detective Troubles: I like the chequered gag! Very spooky scene.

    Penny and the Clock Out Room: I’ve probably mentioned but I’m coming around on noose perils. A very clever set up!


    Thanks BMV for the update!

    Beach Blanket Buzz Contest:
    Very sexy outfit that Maria is donning! Not sure this is what she meant when she wanted the newest style of haircut tho!

    The Trap on Trap Problem:
    Love this! Very devious! The blonde’s predicament, lay flat and get spiked and delay the blade for a few more swings or don’t and deal with blade sooner. So far she has chose the latter. While the rescuer finds herself locked in a cell and has her own version of the spikes to deal with. Hopefully she paid attention in lockpicking class

    Wait Times Vary:
    Ahhh the candle timer! Wait for the candle to release the key or start crunching numbers on the number dial to get hands free. At any rate she will have plenty of numbers to crunch to get totally free. One thing is certain, it doesn’t look like she will be sitting down on the job anytime soon!


    Irish, i have a question for you one on one, email me at MadMax359@aol.com?


    ooops, i probably should have sent that last message on another forum!


    Max, I sent you an email. Hopefully BMV doesn’t mind but I might have missed your message on a different forum tho.

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