Home Forums Updates 13 December 21

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    Maya has a new picture in her section and the December section of 2021 has 7 new pics. Enjoy!


    nice to see each damsel has her own section, that’s very welcome

    as for the weekly perils— clearly being complicated made the Old West more interesting
    Penny’s uplift, i hope she appreciates how much care went into polishing that blade
    at first i thought Bea sounded a bit demanding— but i can see why
    and last but not least, my friend Maria definitely sees the point of this site!


    Oh it’s Penny week!

    Uplifting Experience: The classic bikini! Love how it’s slipping (and will be sliced open soon) and the reflection in the blade.

    Complications in the Old West: Super classic buzzsaw peril! Lucky me! And three more damsels to ride the logs next…

    Estate of Baron von Barren: Oooh, I love it! Love the bow on me, so cute!


    Flurry of Activity:
    Ouch..sacrifice the cold hard nipples to escape or freeze to death!

    Uplifting Experience:
    Sorry Penny but I always love watching you squirm under a razor sharp pendulum. I have always wondered how you would look in an Ireland flag bikini tho 😉

    You take too long:
    As soon as the lock is open, I bet Bea has never been so excited to do a setup in her life! Do belive she will have a few nicks first tho.

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