Home Forums Updates 13 Feb 23

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    I must have been looking in a jar this Valentines day because I found lots of pennies for todays post! Penny has a new Jungle Queen pic in her gallery and we have our lots of her in today’s perilous posts! Enjoy and happy V day!


    Demi, keep working the rock against the ropes! Wait a minute, is that Ann making an appearance in that beautiful classic red mustang? Is Ann going to be able to help rescue Demi, or is she walking into a trap? 🤔 guess time will tell

    Maria is playing with fire but hopefully doesnt get burned while waiting for an arrow through the heart. It doesn’t look like the chair is secured to the floor so maybe she can tip it over and out of the way. Might hurt a little but better than an arrow. Meanwhile, Max is following the clues to come to her rescue. Careful when you open the door Max 😬

    Great look of terror on Lilly’s face as it appears she scraped by with the hair of her chinny chin chin or was it her navel thanks to the quick actions of her rescuer. They better make haste out of there before they both end up under the slowly plunging pendulum.

    Penny has fun with some pirates, a ticking time bomb, and a guillotine. Well not sure Penny is having too much fun,but it sure looks like her rescuer from the guillotine is having lots of fun from a very grateful Penny.

    BMV, do you think you could do a continuation render from the framed for sabotage render? This time show the girl hiding tied together with Penny as they both watch the timebomb tick down.

    Thanks much for the updates!!!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Irishlad3289.

    I think that’s Shelly in the picture, I’ll have to go look. I probably can do another. That one I did a long while back, so a lot of it I’ll have to remake from scratch.


    Love the new pics especially the jungle girl look, thank you!

    Pirates Penny Plunder: Slightly naughtier bodice ripper stuff, I like it!
    Framed for Sabotage: A lot going on including the evil safari lady!
    Have to Say Thanks: Wonderful! Took me a moment to see the jammed guillotine! Happy Valentine’s Day!


    thanks for the heads up, Irish! i’d have to do like John Steed in The Avengers and come in thru a window… but i think Maria can take this one herself!

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