Home Forums Updates 16 Oct 23

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    Today we have our weekly peril updates. Demi has a new picture in her gallery and it is right for the season, along with our Halloween countdown which continues, we are over halfway there!


    So I’m assuming the laptop in Pointing Out Our Sticky Situation is streaming this. Is the idea that some potential rescuer will see this, rush in to save the girl they can see, and end up killing the girl they can’t?

    I like the combination of perils in Waxer of Walker Way. Got the whole flame trigger, all she can do is watch the rope slowly burn with only a vague idea of how long she has left, but also has to keep her legs lifted up above the hot wax, an added physical strain that accomplishes nothing and will be ultimately pointless when she drops anyway.

    I like the implication in Case of Stuck On Torture that the spike’s just touched her, and that’s what’s got her freaking out proper. It’s not like she can clearly see between her legs from this angle, it’s another one where she can’t really tell how long she has left, but has just found out that her time’s up. The waiting has ended and the impalement begun.

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