Home Forums Updates 17 April 23

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  • #6727

    We’re up in mid April and I hope everyone is enjoying spring. Katie has a new on in the damsel gallery and the perils are running on schedule. Penny has a good share this week again, so enjoy!


    Crime Case of Smokey Creek: Ahh, love to be in a good old BATS pic! Hi Stakedamsels!
    Eviction Notice: Just adore that mouth-hugging OTM gag being tied on!
    Knot Fair: Looking very lovely despite my plight!


    Oh, my dear, you are always looking lovely, and it is I who am honored that you allow me to grace my art with your presence. That reminds me too, you have added a lot to my work over the years, and in more ways than you might realize. It goes beyond my pictures here. You just reminded me of something that I got in my email a few days ago. I get feedback on my novels on Amazon, sometimes good, sometimes bad, but I rarely get something as specific as I did the other day. Someone really loved a line in the first novel of the Colonial Rangers series, and they apparently thought so much of it that they had to send me that feedback. It was a line about how a skirt deserved the title of belt. Well guess where I got that from? Hehehe… You said it on one of your comments on a picture I made ages ago. I liked it so much I had to use it, and it seems you struck gold with that one. I thank you my dear, for all of your support. There is no way I could ever state in words how much you have added to it, and how much I appreciate it. As they say, you go girl!!!


    Nice updates. The vulture makes things interesting. Hoping to see more and the crows. I loved the old one you dead years back of “Crow Steaks” when the crows were tugging on Bea’s knockers. I also like the rat scenes. Great work as always. It’s always good to see the rats with busty models and something to really sink their teeth into. Years back, BMV did a scene with Lily chained to a special cage with access to her exposed breasts, and a rat was being lowered into the cage. I loved that one. My vote is for more like that. Rats and crows. The scene with Maria in peril with rats in the cage with her lovely chest and her tormentor says, “They will get hungry.” I’d like to see the rats when they are hungry and ready to dine on Maria’s charms. Okay that’s enough from my twisted bastard mind. Keep em coming. 😉

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Wolfen101.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Wolfen101.

    Hey BMV,

    Since we are on the subject of requests. Were you able to do my last request?


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