Home Forums Updates 23 May 22

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    Maria and Ivory have a new pic in the Action Adventure gallery along with our peril updates for May. Enjoy!


    before i even check out the updates, this is labelled March instead of May


    Reflecting on the Situation: Shiny! I like my hair. I enjoy the different styles, but this one captures me really well.

    Tracks in the Snow: Hi Alex! It’s been a while since we’ve done this together!

    Penny Maid Services: Oooh, I always love a maid costume!


    Thanks Max, my bad! Doesn’t look like I can edit the heading either, crap! Thanks!


    Spoke too soon, I found it! Thanks again.


    glad to be of help to you… not sure what i can do for this week’s Damsels, though

    that Facing Cave has my attention, whether the gals are being lowered in or kept in place while the water rises, it works!


    Blue Bath Blunder:
    Possibly the real blunder here would be a skeleton occupying a pendulum while a hogtied blonde is rolling around next to it. Interesting that she isn’t secured under it like her two friends are? I do like the staggered nature of the other two pendulums. It is starting to get real for the beauty in the red while the beauty in the blue is looking on and seeing what she has to look forward to.

    Facing Cave M:
    M for Mammories maybe?? Absolutely love the breast to breast position and being secured together by their crotchropes. Normally may be a fun time for them, but by the expressions of terror on their faces they are not having too much fun watching, I am assuming, the water rise or maybe their slow desecnt. I’m like Max, hard to tell. The shiny shimmer of their skin really does it for me as well.

    Reflecting on the situation and Penny Maid Services:
    Poor Penny! She is getting a double dose of the sharp blades this week! She and her hunk get to watch each other as they get sliced while I’m not sure what the other lady is trying to accomplish. Sure doesn’t seem to be much help at the present time
    Then apparently someone is no longer pleased with her maid services so she is left to watch the blade slowly tear her uniform and then ultimately slice through her beautiful midsection. But never fear, Penny will always find a way to live to face another peril, and we like it that way! 😉

    Cold and Steel Water:
    Even if she is fortunate enough to secure the keys in her mouth, it may be a little painful to try and use them! It appears her nipples may be secured to the tank with nipple clamps. Well as they say, no pain, no gain!

    Well done BMV! Always look forward to your weekly renders, even if your unfortunate damsels and occasional male victims may not! Bwahahahaha


    By the way, did you happen to see my post under the Any Plans to Upload Series topic?

    Thanks for taking the time to keep us all well entertained! It is a very nice distraction from the disaster this real world is becoming!


    Irishlad, Yes I did see it. I thought I responded? As of right now there are no plans. I don’t have unlimited space with this page to upload my entire collection, however, since you have requested, when I get the time, I might see about doing some kind of page that could rotate some stuff through it. Time right now is my big limited factor though. So, short answer is, I’ll see what I can do.


    Ok. Thank you! Does the site only allow you a certain amount of bandwidth or could we help you out financially to increase your bandwidth? I can’t speak for anyone else on the site but I would be willing to assist if it helps get all or most of your collection up.


    I guess the answer to all of that is yes. I’m not that bad off with either bandwidth or storage. The issue is that I am still learning the ins and outs of this world of apps. It is quite different from what we used to do, even if the basics are just the same. The more I learn the more I will be able to do with the page. Right now, I just do not want to change something, add something, etc that will become a pain in the ass later. That is why I am slow going for the most part. Hey don’t worry though, I want to give you guys the stuff you ask for, that is why this page is up and running. Thanks for the offer and at some time in the future that might become needed. I am hoping to eventually make the sight self financing though. All of this takes time, given my current circumstances. So don’t worry, you voiced a request, and that tells me some of the stuff I need to do, so I am working on it.

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