Home Forums Updates 25 April 22

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    And this week’s installment will finish off April. Ann gets a new on in the damsel gallery this week, along with 10 new ones in Peril. ENjoy!


    Pennys Perilous Porch: I’m starting to think whoever sets us up is having some fun with this.

    Two Drink Minimum: That is certainly a kind of deathtrap I haven’t seen before!

    Posting a Penny Plan: Oooh… Understated, intriguing. I like this one a lot.


    good to see Bea back in the mix (she may not agree)
    and Maria and friend better get a move on to avoid an explosive conclusion!


    Muahaha, of course I do, my dear! Oh come on, haven’t you ever wanted to play an escape game? Jen once asked me for some ideas for ones with no fatal consequences that she could play. I can dream up sooooo many of those!


    that sounds intriguing, tell us more


    What can I say, Max? Home Depot and Dollar General are great places for villains with a little imagination. I posted a link in another post that shows how you can use an ordinary table fan that turns. You can use that set up attached to a set of clamps to give you a nipple torturing device, but wait, that’s not all!!! Technology is wonderful and there are so many great little gadgets on the market now, this includes timers with plug ins. You can plug the fan into the timer and suddenly your poor damsel has a really good reason to escape as fast as she can! If she is tied down flat, I guess you could call what she is on a “time-table” Muahahahaha!


    that is pretty diabolical!

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