Home Forums Updates 26 Dec 22

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    We’re here guys! This is the last post of 2022. Hard to believe we have closed out another page and another year! Hope it has been a good one for everybody. Today Ann helps us close out the year with a new picture in her Damsel Gallery, along with the final update until 23. Enjoy everybody!


    Wow! Hard to believe another year has come and gone and surprisingly all of the ladies have somehow miraculously survived all the dire perils they faced. Hopefully they will be as fortunate in 2023.

    Parts of Penny PI:
    Looks like the investigators were snooping around where they shouldn’t be again. They woke up to find themselves secured under sharp lowering blades. Suck it in as long as you can ladies but eventually the blade will reach its destination. As the saying goes…those who snoop around together face dire peril together….or something like that! Nice portrayal of fear in the eyes and face!

    Villain of Baskaville Junction:
    Well drat!!! Nice try ladies! Guess close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. The fun is only getting started for these four beauties! At least they will get to face the buzz saw together!

    Handmaiden of Tower 4:
    After taking over the palace and capturing the Princess and her handmaiden they thought it would be especially cruel to allow the Princess to watch her handmaiden’s demise before lowering her to the bottom of the hole and then sealing it up!

    See what you are going for:
    Damn, that’s more Aunts than I saw on both Thanksgiving and Christmas! Unfortunately for Penny, it looks like these Ants are going to be sticking around a lot longer! I feel for her I really really do!

    Secrets at Smugglers Dock:
    Some secrets are meant to remain a secret as these unfortunate ladies are about to find out! Love the slow timer of the candle as it burns down to the fuse. Shows the inexperience of these smugglers though; first they left the gold to get blown up, second they could’ve received a lot more gold on the slave market if they would’ve just sold the beautiful ladies instead of blowing them up.

    Celebrity Guest Roast:
    When these gorgeous ladies were invited to a roast they didn’t realize they were going to be the ones roasted. I don’t think tha natives will be complaining as there will be a couple of amazing rump roasts. BTW. What ever happened to Will Burner? He is missing some good renders!

    X Rated Bea:
    Not sure which has it worse, Bea or friend. The Redhead is trying her best to suck it in to avoid the blade as long as possible but ultimately it will be to no avail. However, as painful as her demise is going to be her pain won’t last as long as Bea’s. I can only imagine how painful that red hot branding iron is going to be. Going to leave a big mark too!

    Thanks for another great year of updates BMV and I look forward to what you have for us in the new year! However, the beauties might not agree with me but hey, we all have a part to play and they play their part wonderfully!


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