Home Forums Updates 26 Sept 22

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    We finish out September with a lot of requests. We have Maria sinking quickly in sand, Ann riding the buzzsaw, and lots of Penny! That includes a new picture in her section of the Damsel Gallery. A pirate themed pic, so Arrrr ye ready! If not then get ready as the 31 Days of Halloween starts Saturday! Enjoy everybody!

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Bmovievillain.

    wow, the power of requesting! thanks for doing mine, and just as much for Irish Lad’s suggestion as well!
    looking forward to Halloween…


    I agree with Max!! Very nicely done on the quicksand pics! Thanks!!!!

    You captured the impending doom of the sinking two very nicely! We find the detective and district attorney in dire peril! Maria watches her companion take her last breath only to know that very shortly that is to be her fate as well. Remain still and sink slowly or struggle futilely and sink faster. Either way the result will be the same no matter how much they yell and scream for help as they are miles away from any listening ears. With their hands cuffed behind their back there is no hope in reaching for something to help them escape. In the end it looks like our two law enforcing beauties will end up with a mouthful of wet sand at the bottom of the pit. As has been said, the mob always have very effective ways of getting rid (without a trace) of those who try to interfere with their criminal aspirations.

    Of course your other updates are quite stellar as usual!

    Thanks much BMV


    You guys are most welcome. Like I said, just speak up and I’ll do what I can. Glad it was what you guys wanted!


    Hey BMV,

    Will be thinking and praying with the hurricane coming in. Looks like you might be going to get some effect from it. At least a lot of rain. Anyway take care and hopefully it will be minimal. Am looking forward to the start of the 31 days of Halloween next update


    Thanks for the thought, man! Greatly appreciated! I’m not too worried about Ian though. Hurricanes are just a fact of life down here, as well as Tornados and too much rain. I do realize that Ian has a lot of ominous things going for it, but all that stuff does not always add up to a catastrophic event. I have a hunch this one is going to be a non-event. No real reason, just a feeling. I mean, I’m sure there will be damage and stuff, but like I said that is a fact of life here. I did get kind of lucky this year though. Normally I’m in Orlando the first weekend of October, usually camping LOL!


    Yeah man! You’re welcome! I live in the Midwest so I’m all to familiar with Tornadoes but not so much with Hurricanes. Camping in Florida does sounds awesome! Just not this weekend!!! So probably a good thing you’re not there at the moment. Hate the fact that a bunch of people’s stuff may get destroyed tho. That’s never a good time.


    Did Not Hear: Good old buzzsaw peril! Getting pretty close to giving me a haircut!

    Handling Penny: Oh, I’m cute in this one! Grumpy witch in the background…

    Hypnotech Terror: Fun little gadget, and from my expression it seems to be working!

    Love the pirate pic too! I’m sure we’re all ready for October!

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