Home Forums Updates 27 Oct 23

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    We are closing in on the magical day of Halloween! I have to put out a little warning here guys. I have to go out of town today, and will not be back until Sunday. This might cause a problem with the Halloween update for Saturday, as the internet connection is iffy where I am going. I’m going there to try and get it working correctly, if it is something I can fix then no problem. If not then the update for tomorrow and Sunday might be delayed until I get home. That should be Sunday evening, so it will not be a long delay. Hang in there guys! The season will keep coming no matter what!


    You could just post the rest of them today if you want 😁


    Love the 26th picture, another one I’m sure you knew would be a favourite for me!

    So following up on the last BATS pic… I was just talking to Mr. Stakedamsels, and he suggested he’d love to see me in a traditional stake-burning with a white gown (kind of Joan of Arc) and the tall paper hat, something like this I guess (sorry it’s on that site):
    Would quite like to see this myself! No hurry of course.

    Hope you’ll be back with us soon!


    as long as the gown is pulled open, right? 😉


    Not what either of us had in mind, no.


    I tell you what Penny, I’ve been meaning to do another post over at Staked Damsels. I’ll make sure we get a few like that one on the board over there.


    Very much appreciated, thank you!

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