Home Forums Updates 28 Feb 22

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    A Special Update.

    In case you guys are not aware, our damsel Maria is in Ukraine. I don’t have any more info right now, but naturally I am concerned and hope she is all right. This is not exactly a situation I would have dreamed that I would have to deal with on this page. I did post a topic about it a few weeks ago when it became clear to me that we were facing a situation. I do not know what Maria is doing, or the choices that she made in the face of this disaster, but I do know that having to make any kind of choice like this at all is not something that anyone should have to go through. Don’t forget her or her fellow Ukrainians. They are not just fighting for their homes, but they are fighting for all of us because right now they are really all that stands between all of us and World War Three.

    Everything posted today is Maria. She has a special picture in the Damsel Gallery.

    Good luck to her and all of us.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Bmovievillain.

    thank you for this
    i have been in sporadic contact with Maria, basically her updates on the situation but i don’t know if she is not receiving my replies, or just far too busy to read them
    she reported hearing explosions from the first day, rattling her windows at times
    she decided not to flee, but has instead joined in the militia
    i am not a praying person, but if anyone here is, send some prayers for her


    I haven’t gotten any emails from her lately. I do know where she lives. Max that’s why I asked for updates because I do know how exposed the area where she lives is. I also know her town has been attacked several times but is still in Ukranian hands. I have decided not to bother her right now, I don’t think she has time for emails. If figured she would join the militia though. Keep me posted if you do get a reply. It would be appreciated.


    i got an update this morning, she is OK and in strong spirits; but so angry at what Russia is doing to her country and her city! i did send her the special image you posted in her section and she was most appreciative!


    Thanks Max! Speaking as someone who has seen war up close, I don’t envy what she has to go through. Do let her know both she and Ukraine has a friend here and that is she needs something, let me know.


    i will pass your kind words along!


    Max, Thanks for the updates and for being a great friend to Maria! I believe she has lots of friends, not only on here, but around the world. Most of them she has never met. I am one of them. If I were close, I would be taking up arms beside her. We are all behind her and give her support, even if it is moral support, since some of us are half a world away. I am a praying person so please let her know I am praying for her and for all of those being oppressed by this obvious crazed lunatic. Pete. Thanks for caring about the people on this site. It really means a lot!


    in the end, what do we actually have in this world besides the people we care about?

    i will pass along your excellent words


    Amen! Well said!

    Thanks Max!

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