Home Forums Updates 6 Sept 21

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    It’s Labor Day guys, and that means we are closing out another summer. We’re starting with a new picture of Alex exploring the jungle. You can find that one in her gallery on the Damsel page. We also have seven new pictures on the perils of 21 page. Labor day also brings with it something very exciting. It means we are less than a month away from the 31 Days of Halloween! It is coming so stay tuned!


    oooooh, i do hope you can work something out with my friend Maria in time for Halloween!!


    Well good news and bad news there, Max. Maria is done and I’ve already started doing pictures. I will probably be posting some in the next few days. It is too late to get her in the Halloween set though. Those were finished some time ago. Even so, I’ll continue with regular posts through October anyway, and she will be in the normal updates from this point.

    Hope she likes what I’ve done. She approved the model via email. Since I’m banished from DA, I can’t see her artwork so I have no idea what she likes and does not like. Hope you can get her to join the forum here.


    this is great news! no problem that the Halloween set is done, i’m sure it will be enticing!

    as for showing you some of her work, i can’t do an attachment here, can i?
    i’d email, but what i have is from NoReply


    and… i forgot to ask, is there any hope of a closeup of the damsel on the train tracks in the background of Millhead Saw Station? she deserves to be featured


    Max, sorry about the email problem. Not sure which one you used, but I do have some old ones floating around out there. I have fixed that and now have a few new emails for some various pages I have, including this one. I am going to be putting up a contact page soon. As you may have seen, Maria now has pictures up, and the better news, she will have one in the Halloween set. As for the Millhead Saw Station picture, I probably will not be able to do to much about that. I’m not even sure how long ago I rendered it and I generally do not keep those files around once the picture is done. So thanks for bringing in Maria!


    maybe because it’s AOL, but email from you comes like this

    BMOVIEVILLIAN (noreply@bmovievillain.com)To:you (Bcc) + 1 more Details
    Bmovievillain wrote:

    Max, sorry about the email problem. Not sure which one you used, but I do have some old ones floating around out there. I have fixed that and now have a few new emails for some various pages I have, including this one. I am going to be putting up a contact page soon. As you may have seen, Maria now has pictures up, and the better news, she will have one in the Halloween set. As for the Millhead Saw Station picture, I probably will not be able to do to much about that. I’m not even sure how long ago I rendered it and I generally do not keep those files around once the picture is done. So thanks for bringing in Maria!

    and noreply@bmovievillain gets what you expect— no reply
    but when the Contact page is ready, that will be good

    and thanks again for getting Maria into the dangers!


    I like “All Three Days” a lot! Everyone’s plight being slightly different is interesting.

    Really enjoyed “Technical Glitch” last time too.


    Penny, at least in “All 3 Days” you have a bit of time— in “Technical Glitch” you are down to the last swing of the pendulum!

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