Home Forums Updates 8 April 24

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    Keeping with the spirit of the season, we have an update in the Action Adventure gallery this week. Ann is playing twister for us. Demi has a new futuristic picture in her section of the damsel gallery along with the perilous updates for April.

    Ok guys, I have one other update that isn’t so pleasant, but it might actually be good news. Some of you already know my health isn’t great, and there was a close call last Friday. My pulse dropped to 31. FYI, for most people the 70s are normal. I’ve always had a very low pulse rate, normally in the 60s. For my size that is pretty low all by itself. I’m six foot three and my weight is normally in the low 200s, but I’ve been very athletic for most of my life, so that accounts for that. 31 is too low and a point away from dying. This is probably related to this strange nerve condition I have, but like I said, despite everything this might be good news. It is fixable with something as simple as a pacemaker. Today I am probably going to know more about that, so keep your fingers crossed. I just thought you should all know in case I miss an update.

    As for the rest, I am getting close to finishing No Truss Pass. I’m close to the artwork and it will probably take me no longer than a day to write the rest of the story. It is already in my head. Making the web page is easy enough. So even if it might take longer than I originally expected, it is getting done. I hope everybody enjoys it!

    Mr Black

    Good “bad news” update Pete. 🙂 I hope all goes well today and you get good news. We’re lucky to be living when we are. Medical technology is amazing and gets better and better. Great updates too.


    my Dad got a pacemaker 3 years ago and it’s been great!


    wow, if there was ever a need for a mongoose, this is it!

    and while Maria is often involved with helping, like in Chamber Omega— in the Peril games it’s good to see she is the one getting helped!


    I have enjoyed your work for years. You were my favorite peril artist during the DA days. I don’t mean to be a downer but when we are younger and invincible, it’s fun to do things and take our imaginations to dark places, but not when your health is failing. Perhaps it’s time to consider other things? Thanks for the memories but I would rather see you look to yourself and your health rather than peril. Don’t put yourself in peril. Be well and get well soon.


    with all respect to Wolfen, i disagree— fantasy is a release, a bit of comfort in what can be a dark world, and i hope you keep it up as long as it moves you

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