Home Forums Banter, Chatting, and Quips Ann The Magicians Assistant favorite hair style for me

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  • #5953
    Raphael ZXA

    For me this is my favorite look of hair cut of hers https://bmovievillain.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/06SSI2016Ann.jpg I love the short hair kinda reminds of Android 18 for DBZ.


    Oh yeah, that is a good one, and in fact, that is the default style I have her shortcut files decked out with. One of the benefits of Ann though, is that she compliments several styles, both long and short, so I do tend to do more variety with her.

    Raphael ZXA

    Thank god It is the default style is so good and pretty, she is my favorite of your gals.


    Awe thank you, I do like that style too. and that is a great picture you picked out too

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