Home Forums Banter, Chatting, and Quips February 2022 Perils

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  • #4828

    Ah, what a delightful way to start a new month of perils for our lovely damsels! The very first one is truly marvelous: Penny and the Panel Box! It seems our English Damsel has found herself in a shocking situation. I wholeheartedly approve of her proper wiring, connections being placed at the most delightful, intimate locations, as our bare, bound British beauty is subjected to the pleasures (for the villain) of repeated electro-shock. Is this torture merely intended as punishment? A persuasive method of getting her to talk? Or, will the voltage be slowly increased in level and duration until our blue-eyed damsel is turned into a crispy critter? Hmm…whatever. Kudos to her captor(s) for arranging this situation for our lovely Penelope!

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