Home Forums Updates i hope all is well

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    i know this time of year is special, so for you to be out of circulation for a couple of days, yikes

    just hope nothing seriously wrong is going on!


    Thanks for the concern, Max. Yeah, the last week has been rough for me on the health front. I’m still getting the pics up. I’m just not writing the posts every day. I’ll be posting as usual on Mondays and every few days on the Halloween pictures. I had an unexpected event combined with being sick. I wrote an article where I was basically warning people to expect a lot of new wars to break out in the near future. Well, would you believe that the very next day after it is published, bang! Hamas invades Israel. Suddenly I got flooded with new writing jobs and all these emails from people that I have to answer, etc. As weak as I am right now I’m having a hard time keeping up with everything. So, hang in there with me and I will get the pics up.


    on the one hand, i can stop worrying about you… hope your health improves, and it sounds like this is “good busy” since your prediction was spot on

    on the other hand we’re almost halfway through Halloween and Maria hasn’t made an appearance, maybe soon?

    hang in there!



    Where can we find your articles? I would like to read them.


    Irish, a lot of what I write is on Youtube. A little over ten years ago I got together with some other small-time writers and we began offering our services to the growing market there. It grew bigger than any of us imagined possible and it has about grown beyond our ability to keep up with now. A lot of what we do is ghostwriting for others, ie we polish what they do, add what they want, or just write the entire thing, etc etc. We also do a lot of research if the money is right. We are practically running a news agency at this point. Basically we do whatever there is money for in media. It is what most of us did for bigger customers in the past, like TV shows, and magazines (when they were still around), that kind of stuff. Only working for the big guys was always twitchy at best and these days it is an absolute nightmare. I do publish some things under my own name, but that is usually just a target of opportunity when it happens. I will put stuff up on my personal sites when something I have written winds up not being used. I have cut back on a lot now due to my health, but sometimes I have to jump in and help out. Things are getting busy these days, but I do not believe this will last very long. AI is starting to take over and more than I ever imagined it would. It makes me wonder about this site as well. Doing graphic work has always been a sideline, but it is increasingly being usurped by apps. Some of the stories I published on DA are now books and one series actually did quite well. They are on Amazon. If there is demand, I can post some of what I write here, but most of it isn’t topical. I do write a good deal about media, like stories about Disney. Some of that might fit in here. My health gets in the way of a lot right now, so I am somewhat hesitant about expansion.


    Wow! Thanks for the reply. Do you think you could post the Amazon link for your books. I would like to check them out. I am so sorry to hear about your health. Hang in there and if it’s ok with you I’ll definitely be praying for you to get better. I am absolutely enthralled with your imagination. Just when I think your renders can’t get any better you think up something really cool and awesome.

    I am really hesitant to mention this now that you have mentioned how busy you are and your health issues, but were you able to come up with anything reference Maria and Mya chained back to back and moving to and fro each dodging breast pendulums.

    When I first mentioned it, I know you had said you had done something like that in the past. If you’re not able to do my request do you think you could repost what you already have that fits that situation.


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