Home Forums Banter, Chatting, and Quips Introductions!

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    Hope it’s ok to add a topic where new members can say hello.

    I have to thank Penelope (English Damsel) for guiding me here, and the place looks just great!

    I’m Sally (sally g was the username I mostly used back in the day), and an old acquaintance of the dastardly host we have to thank for this new home!

    Nice to meet you all, or I’m sure it will be when I get the chance!


    Hey Sally!!!! Gald to see you again!!!


    Likewise BMV! It feels good to be here. 🙂


    See I found Sally, guys! Can she go on the buzzsaw instead now?


    How about both of you!!! Muahahaha!


    hi Sally, i remember your image as BMV worked his magic
    i am sort of the surrogate for the newest character Maria— she’s a buddy of mine at DA and i introduced her to this site, she sent BMV the photos he needed to build a character, and she’s been in danger ever since! she still relies on me for news of the goings on, and to give her feedback

    maybe the two of you will share a peril soon!


    To answer your question Penelope; Of course! The lovely Sally is a wonderful damsel to tie to the tracks…place under the pendulum…and, of course, to be forced to face down the BUZZSAW..(feet first, clothing deprived, of course!)

    Happy to see you here, Sally. I’m glad Penelope was able to reach you, and better still, give her personal recommendation that you be split on the BUZZSAW. Now, that’s what i call a ‘true” friend. LOL!


    Oh gee whiz thanks Penelope! But I’d hate to jump the queue, being a newby around here!:D


    Thank you MadMax! I have to say the hospitality on this site is just lovely! 😀

    I’ll have to look out for you on DA as well.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Sally.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Sally.

    Thank you for the kind words WHAZZUPHER!

    I’ll obviously do my best to fulfil my heroine in peril duties in whatever fashion I’m required! 😀

    I think that’s what my DiD rulebook says anyway (or words to that effect).

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Sally.

    Thank you, my dear Sally, for being so compliant with the rules of peril. Yes, seeing you on the Buzzsaw is a delight I look forward to. (Or, tied the tracks, roasting on a spit over a low fire, etc.) So many DELIGHTFUL options!


    Sally, my dear, do you have an email address which can be used to send renderings to? I tried to use the one you have for DA, but it doesn’t work. I just wanted to send you a “welcome” rendering from here by BMovieviillain which I have added my whimsical idea of a quick story to in order to explain the dilemma (peril) you find yourself in.

    Thank you.


    Sally, i used to have a DA page with this name, but i suffered the same fast as BMV— no warning or chance to correct any problem

    so now on DA i’m Robespierre20— feel free to drop by!


    Thank you WHAZZUPHER.

    Lol! I’ll be spoilt for choice now!

    I’m also adept at being a target girl if you can throw pointy things like knives! 😀

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Sally.

    All noted MadMax, DA is not the place it used to be for sure.

    I’ll be looking you up! 🙂

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