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    Today, we add an entirely new page to the site with a brand new theme. This is a fully illustrated Novella called No Truss Pass. Now the internet has caught up with 70’s B-movies! Yes, it has peril, but it also has a plot. Just a word of warning, even though we are seeing damsels from the caste here, the characters are completely mine. Think of them as actors in a movie.

    This is just part one of the story. There will be more to follow, and with any luck, this is not the last story we will see here. I hope you guys enjoy it, and please let me know what you think.

    If you like this story, you will probably like my books on Amazon. Just look for the Colonial Rangers series, The Great War series, Colonia Roma series, The PH Factor, and about twenty titles in all. Help my page out, guys. I don’t charge anything for this, so if you buy and read my books, I hope you like them and will love to have the entire sets.



    wow, what an epic tale already!


    Thanks, Max! I will have Part II out, probably within the month. When I made this first one, it was in an entirely different format that I didn’t like. I decided to do it in HTML instead of Photoshop, and it was so much easier to see and read. Now that I know how I can do these, they will not be that big of a hassle to do. I’ve always wanted to do them in stories. Every picture I do has a story in my mind and I have wanted to share them for a long time. It was just not practical. I tried comics, but they take a very long time and were just not a perfect solution. Here, I just decided to throw old formats to the wind and try something newer. It’s not a comic but not a book. These are short, too the point, and give us the material we want to see. So hey, glad you like, and more to come!

    Mr Black

    Oh man this is awesome! These remind me a little of your work on the old Yahoo groups that often had a theme / multiple picture story. Except this is much more detailed. Thank you for your awesome work and imagination. Thanks also for the titles on Amazon. Will be buying.


    And Thank you Mr. Black! I’m glad you like it! I was just thinking about the old Yahoo days as well. I miss those days. Too bad Yahoo had to screw everything up like they did. I’ve been seriously thinking about how to pick up traffic here and build a community like we used to have. You know, I have come to see that it wasn’t just DA that up and sold out. The entire internet has reached a point now where it has become “civilized,” and in a day and age where being that means, more times than not, being an asshole. I remember when this really was a community, and we had found a place to express ourselves. Now, the entire net has spilled over into the real world, and we’re headed right back to where we were before those times, like on Yahoo. Everybody is finding their only little clique and being shoe-boxed. If we’re not careful, we’re going to get run off the net entirely, just like what happened at DA. I’d like to try and do a little to reverse this, if at all possible.


    Very very nice, BMV!! Very nice suspenseful story complete with fantastic renders! Loved the blonde staked out to drown! The skeleton made a nice errie feel to it. She looks over and sees what’s to become of her. That would cause anyone to struggle with all their might! Then just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, you used Sara and the pendulum to lure Shelly into setting her own trap when she tripped the lever pulling the keys off. Really can’t wait to see what’s in store for Part 2.

    BTW, you said Part 2 should be out within the month. Since this is February can we expect it by the 29th? Yay! That’s only 2 days 😉😆

    Like Mr.Black said, this reminds me of the short stories you used to do, especially the one with Michelle and the museum where she was left with a ball in her mouth and a spear at ready when she dropped the ball. I had it saved until my computer crashed and I lost it along with some of my favorite renders from the DA days 😞

    If you still have the Michelle museum piece, and way you could post it again?


    Within the next month, not calendar month, LOL.

    Now, as for Michelle and the museum comic. Yeah, I was unable to finish that one because of a lot of technical difficulties with the app I was using at the time. Long story, but one issue after another came up, and it would have been easier to just redo the entire thing. I have had a mind to do it, and now that I am set up to do the photo stories, I very well might. To answer your question, yeah I’m pretty sure I have everything from that story, art, and panels. The only thing standing in the way, and has made me hesitate, is Michelle. She loved being the object of attention and loved the stories, but since that time, we have gone our separate ways, and with good reason. She has not placed any ban on my using her model, but then again since we ceased speaking to each other many years ago, I doubt she even thinks about it anymore. Even so, I’m kind of hesitant even if I do still find a picture of her in my library, but all of them were done many years ago.

    So, I am glad you liked the story; there will be more to come. I’ll see what I can do about the museum story. Like I said, I am considering doing a remake and finishing it. There was a lot more I wanted to do with that story. So, things are on the move!


    Holy Truss BMV!
    The renders and story go great together.
    I’m on the edge of my seat! Woohoo!


    Thanks Buzz!!! I’m almost finished with Truss, and will be starting on a new story soon after! Thanks man, glad you like!

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