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    First off let me apologize because I’ve said that this site is not a place for the real world. Unfortunately, there are times when the real world will not leave us alone and I do believe this will eventually bite us in the ass. That is not to mention the fact that I have friends in Europe, one even in the Ukraine, and they are closer to this disaster than we are here in the states. I am worried about everybody, and I think you might just need to know some of the stuff I have learned recently. Just understand, this is not politics, and it is not partisan. It is also most definitely not some grand conspiracy theory.
    Now, unless you have been living under a rock for the past couple of years you may have noticed a lot of bad stuff going on. You might have also noticed that the news is screaming about a Russian build up on the border with Ukraine, and that a lot of people are freaking out about it. Well, I hate to tell you, what this is all starting to look like here is just the tip of the iceberg. Now I am not privy to any secret code books or classified decoder rings, everything I know is from open sources, but what I do have is experience with stuff like this. In college I wrote position papers for a US senator that dealt with strategic military concerns. My last job in the army was with US Centcom, where we did nothing but update ourselves on this crap. Of course, a lot of what I learned back then is out of date, but not how things work. That doesn’t change.
    I’ve been refreshing myself on quite a few key topics over the past year or so, mostly because a lot of stuff I was seeing happen did not make any sense. I knew back then that sooner or later, if these were truly ominous signs then eventually the root cause would show up. I think it finally has. Now, I not only think that World War III is imminent, but I think it has already started. I’m not trying to sound like I’m screaming the sky is falling, but if this is what it looks like, it started changing our lives many years ago, went into overdrive with Covid, and is only going to get worse before it gets better.
    Up until a few days ago, I really thought the Russians were bluffing. That was mainly because I was not seeing any serious logistics, or infrastructure improvement that would be required for an operation of this size. This morning I was able to get my first good information about quite a few things. Oddly enough some of my initial impressions were not wrong, but incomplete. These “negotiations” are just BS guys. In fact, I was told the Russian diplomats look to have been caught by surprise. Nobody had bothered to tell them what was going on and all of what they are doing is being scrapped together at the last minute. As I was told, these aren’t negotiations, it’s just theater. No one expects anything to happen with these talks. Both sides are just trying to look righteous to their own people.
    I will be more than happy to discuss details with you if you want, but for now I’ll spare you all the boring and quite lengthy facts I’ve been amassing. Taken individually all of this could be nothing, but when you put it together, I can no longer just shrug any of this off. I knew the United States had been under a psyops attack for many years now. I think it started around 2013, but it would be impossible for me to track money or any of the things to prove that. I knew that nothing about COVID made any sense when it first started. What I did know was that the people who would normally be more than happy to tell me more than I wanted to know about any emergency response plan, were either stone walling me, or avoiding me. That didn’t make any sense. I knew the Chinese were getting huffy about Taiwan, but they do that from time to time. It is when you put everything together and consider the strategic situation, that suddenly you realize there it was in front of you all along, staring you in the face. We’ve been played, we’ve been played well, and it’s about to blow up in our face.
    The world is not about to end. At the same time there is not a lot we can do about it. Just consider your daily lives and realize we’re going to feel the impact from this, so start planning now. A lot is probably going to change when this all over with and a lot of stuff we take for granted will no longer be there or be greatly reduced. That would include the thing we’re using right now, the internet. So, for now everything here will continue as normal, and hopefully for a long time to come. Just know if it all goes down, well look for me when we’re up and running. Good luck in the months to come, we’re all going to need it.

    Mr Black

    Very interesting. I like taking a big picture view of things, because it becomes easier to see pieces move around the board. Like how something as life-altering as Covid opens doors/self-justification for something bigger. What exactly that is we have no idea (like you, not into partisan stuff or conspiracies). But I agree that life will likely change over the next several years. Some things will be positive, but a lot of negative too.


    Mr Black, I definitely agree and am happy to see the someone else sees that changes are always good and bad. It has been my experience that this seldom gets recognized. With that said, I think the changes we’re about to see are not going to happen over the next few years, it is going to be a lot faster. In fact, a lot of these changes have already started. I’m also past the point of believing that Covid was natural, or even an accident. I am now leaning heavily towards the notion that it was a deliberate biological weapons attack. Do I have any proof of this? No. I do know that what we were told in the beginning, that this was some kind of natural event, is false. At this point that is very certain but does not mean it was deliberate. When you look at what was going on before and after, mostly in China, now I believe it unrealistic to think that the CCP would not make such an attack in prelude to initiating a war with the west, and with what I’ve learned over the past week, that seems certain. Even the military buildup and constant violations of Taiwanese air space did not convince me. It was several reports, including one from the UN, that stated China is hoarding food and strategic materials they do not have locally. In fact, the UN report said that by March, China will have stockpiled nearly 70% of the worlds Corn supply. This report was concerned that it would increase food prices around the world by almost 20%. There is no reason they would do that unless they expected conditions that would deny them the ability to buy that stuff in the near future. There is only one way that could happen. War.

    At the least, if nothing happens at all, Europe is going to have to rearm, and a lot of the domestic social programs that Europeans take for granted, are going to right out the window with that. Europe simply cannot afford their welfare states and a military. That situation is now a certainty. That is also a best-case scenario. The more realistic scenario is that Russia and China go after their military objectives. In both cases they are no win conflicts that will more than likely become a protracted war. In the case of Russia this has serious implications for Europe. The Russians can crush the Ukraine rather quickly, but then what? It is no win situation in the long run for them, unless Putin is thinking a lot bigger than that. I think he is, and I believe he knows his window of opportunity is short now that the west is on alert. The amount of ingenuity that the Russians have put into this build up is astonishing. It is not what you do when you’re trying to bargain, and right now I’m not seeing any real talking, just theater. Add that to the fact that the Russian diplomats were completely unprepared for this, and you have to ask yourself how important Putin thinks negotiation is if he didn’t even bother to tell his foreign minister what was going on?

    I know all of this sounds paranoid, and I would even think that, but if that is the case then there seem to be quite a few world leaders who are very paranoid. All you have to do is look at what has been going on since late 2019. All I have to do there is point to Afghanistan. The US just up and left with little warning and did it so fast it left heads spinning. Why? Again, we only have one good reason for that. Having troops in an exposed position like that was suddenly considered a liability. Add that to an unprecedented naval build up in the Pacific, and suddenly none of this seems far-fetched, just frightening.

    Mr Black

    I am now leaning heavily towards the notion that it was a deliberate biological weapons attack. Do I have any proof of this? No. I do know that what we were told in the beginning, that this was some kind of natural event, is false. At this point that is very certain but does not mean it was deliberate. When you look at what was going on before and after, mostly in China, now I believe it unrealistic to think that the CCP would not make such an attack in prelude to initiating a war with the west, and with what I’ve learned over the past week, that seems certain.

    Like you, I’m not 100% “it was deliberate”, but I could easily see how/why that would be advantageous, especially when one side is far more totalitarian and can much more effectively control its populace to all row in the same direction.

    Sometimes it feels like China/Russia plays a longer game. Couldn’t you just see a history professor in 200 years teaching how the virus was released several years prior to the war to further destabilize the world populace and logistical systems?


    Mr Black, oh they are definitely playing the long game here. This Chinese strategy is not new. They settled on this strategy decades ago and made no secret of it. The reaction of the west was, “oh how cute.” This is despite the fact that China has proven consistently that they are not kidding.

    As for Covid, in my years in strategic planning, it was pretty well considered a no brainer that if you were going to use a bioweapon, you do it before you launch a conventional attack. Bioweapons main advantage is stealth. It is hard to know that you are even under attack, so what would you expect to see if someone used one? The answer is everything we have seen. If there had been no military moves following the arrival of Covid, I’d be like, fine it was an accident or even bat soup. We have seen everything you’d expect if it were an attack. It was preceded by a propaganda campaign. There have been cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, sabotage of US military assets in the US, disruptions in political institutions in multiple nations, including those which are normally stable. We have seen nations hoarding supplies. Every red flag is up, every box is ticked.

    What bothers me most right now is, it is not as simple as totalitarian regimes vs democracies. From the Russian point of view, they actually have very legitimate security concerns. China has very serious internal problems that they are trying to solve by the only means really left to them, foreign adventures. The CCP has already stolen everything they can from inside their borders, now they have to take from their neighbors. Russia’s long term economic forecast is equally dismal. If they can’t make some fundamental changes, like being able to defend their border with an economical sized military, they will sink. Putin is obviously trying to make a border that is naturally defensible. Our reaction to all of this has been almost the classical mistake of not understanding what we are seeing. I’m not trying to sound like a dissenter here, but our handling of them has been horrible. The level of hubris and arrogance we have displayed in dealing with them has been ludicrous. The Chinese are a separate issue, but Putin has shown he will deal with us reasonably, and since 1999 we’ve done nothing but rub his nose in our advantages, so it is not surprising that he was driven right into the welcoming arms of the Chinese. This is not the cold war, there is no ideology at stake between us and Russia, yet we have dealt with them using outdated policies that have become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    You know it struck home when you said what historians will say in 200 years. I’m not so sure about covid, because before all of this got going, I was working on a book that laid out a case for Spanish Flu being a bioweapon. It is a theory that is generally frowned on by historians, despite the strong circumstantial evidence. In the summer of 2019, I got my hands on German documents that were reports from spies in the US, that they had used bioweapons. It was not humans. It was on horses and donkeys being shipped to France. It was a part of a larger sabotage campaign the Germans waged from 1914 right up to the end of the war. It proved they had the infrastructure to use bioweapons, and the will. I was excited about finding these documents and wanted to shout it out all over the net. I didn’t because I thought, “who cares?” How little did I know this would be relevant within months. What it does show is the stealth aspect of bioweapons. That stealth and fear are their real advantages because without those two effects, they’re terrible weapons. They can’t be aimed. If I’m right about Spanish Flu, that means it is likely this covid debate will never be settled.


    Pete I remember this thread and now things have turned really bad in Ukraine war. Putin as lost his mind. He truly a homicidal paranoid manic act with hundreds of nudes. China is not a issue any more. Any thoughts. worried Will Burner


    Bill you are right about China, well hopefully that is the case. At this point it is looking like they are rethinking their strategy, but the evidence that they were originally coordinating with Russia has only gotten stronger since the Ukrainian War began. What I think now is, we all owe the Ukraine a debt of gratitude because they spared us all from World War 3. I had known war was inevitable a long time ago because it looked like someone was prepping the US with soft attacks, and when Covid hit, my radar went on high alert. Then the red flags just went into high gear because it was apparent our government was responding to it, and they were being pretty obvious and quiet about it at the same time. Only they were aimed at China, not Russia. I knew that both of those two had extra territorial ambitions, and that alone they couldn’t match us, but together they had a chance to change the board. It was the only plan they could follow that made any sense. Ukraine had other ideas and I was wrong about that. I didn’t think Ukraine would make it, but I was hoping they could at least give Russia a bloody nose, which would delay the larger war. At this point, the Russians don’t have a snowballs chance in hell of winning. They might pull out a limited political settlement of some kind, but at the end of the day that won’t last, so amounts to the same thing. Since China and Russia have patterned much of their military on each other, and both armies were untested, I have to figure Xi Xingping had a piss in his pants moment and has no choice but drop back and punt now. We couldn’t have had a happier ending to the last nine years of hell that they’ve put us all through.

    As for Putin, no he’s not a madman, he’s a putz. The guy has been played and not only by the Chinese, but his own people. He has now proven what some have always suspected and that is the guy is out of his depth. I won’t bore you with his life story because it is boring. I’ll just say this, you know the guy in your office that when it comes time to do something important, he gets sent out to fetch donuts? Well that’s Putin. He was a nobody, a brown noser who ran out of ass to kiss, and he found the winning lotto ticket because while he might have been the guy nobody wanted in their office, his one skill was always managing to be that guy in the right office. Xi played him, his own people lied to him and he believed them, and now he finally went that step too far. In a way I guess we’re lucky but war if often like that. It’s not who does something right, it is who does the least wrong, and I think Putin has even beaten Biden on that note.


    Putin has no idea what to do next. The Russian army is a joke. China now sees Putin as a weak idiot.
    Hopefully it means Putin will soon disappear and Russian will finally see the light of day. Jion the living and stop the killing. Will Burner

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