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    Just to let you guys know what is going on. The virus attack on my site was only the start of my bad news. I have not been able to get to anything and fix it because within days of this happening, my main computer went down. That is the one I need to fix this site. I only got it fixed yesterday because the next day, we found my mother in the floor of her bathroom, and she went critical after that. She passed away three days later, and my hands have been full, as you can imagine. That does not count the blown water pipe under my house and the AC unit that failed. All of this happened within a few hours of each other. We were in the middle of upgrading my office when this started, and it is still a wreck. We’re trying to get all of that fixed, but we will not get everything we need until later this week. Once that happens, I should be able to get back to work on this. Keep your fingers crossed, guys. I haven’t left you, just dealing with life.



    OMG! by all means, do what you have to do with Life, we’ll be here

    and so sorry to hear about your mother!!


    Life always comes first, don’t worry about this here at all you deal with what you have to deal with first! Hope everything gets better soon that’s a rough couple weeks…


    That’s horrible news BMV! When it rains I guess it really does pour! So very sorry to hear about your mother! 😞 and of course all of your other disasters. Like was said above, we’ll still be here so take care of you first!


    Really sorry to hear! My condolences. Take care of what you need to and we’ll be here when you have time.

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