Home Forums Banter, Chatting, and Quips The Peril Game: 10 Years On

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    In June 2012, Bmovievillain ran the Peril Game in the Yahoo! Group “bmovievillainscliffhangers”. It remains one of the highlights of his work and is fondly remembered by its participants. Featuring the classic quartet of Bmovievillain damsels, a series of polls allowed group members to attempt to save them from peril, or drive them closer to doom.

    (From my old emails, the Peril Game was first announced on June 10. The initial polls – assigning damsels to deathtraps – opened on June 15, and the race to save the girls began on the 19th.)

    I was hoping to illustrate this post, but between good old DA, the sudden loss of the previous archive and my recent hard drive failure, I don’t think a single example of the series exists online!

    I have personal reason to positively recall the Peril Game, of course. Ten years on, I remain the undefeated champion.


    Wow Penny, I had not exactly forgotten the game, but whoa, can’t believe it has been ten years ago now! Sorry to hear about your harddrive, but don’t worry, I am fairly certain I still have all of the pictures from it. That was right before I left Yahoo and went over to DA. Never could figure out how to make it work there. It is something else for me to think about doing here though. Let me see if I can get those pics up. Maybe I can email them to you. Sorry if I am running slow these days. My health is on a downhill slope, so I am moving pretty slow these days. That’s not to mention I am having to take care of my 92 year old mother who has dementia. Again, I’ll see what I can do.


    Ah, I remember you saying something about a followup on DA, I always wondered about it. It certainly would be fun to do it again… Of course, I don’t expect to lose my crown!

    I’d love to get those pictures again if you could. Yeah, I had a hard drive failure a few months ago… Which took with it all of my attempts to archive the old Yahoo groups, and almost everything I had from DA the last few years. It really stings and I’m just trying to take it as a lesson about keeping backups. Sorry to hear about your personal situation, I hope all is well enough.


    this was before my time as a fan, but it sounds interesting
    but i can’t imagine many votes from this crowd for Save Her

    and i’m sorry to hear about your health issues BMV, hang in there

    but if you two are looking to revive this idea (no pun intended) i’d like to volunteer my friend Maria to join the contest, she loves trying to escape!

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