Home Forums Banter, Chatting, and Quips UFOs II The Follow Up!

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    Several years ago, back on that other website, I wrote a piece about government coverups, UFO conspiracies, and nothing was what it looked like. That was back in 2017 and not long after the New York Times broke a story that the US Military was secretly and officially investigating UFO’s. I have to confess at this point that I tend to be fairly skeptical of such things, and I was of the Times story as well. A lot of that had to do with the fact that another story was being worked on, that involved a corrupt and powerful US Senator, and it both preceded the Times piece and involved many of the same people. Despite this, as the story about the Pentagon program ATTIP progressed, I actually became a bit enthused by what I was seeing. Despite being a skeptic, I would love nothing better than to find out that we have proof of alien life. At one point the ATTIP story won me over enough that I was ready to dive right into the UFO subject, something that I had back in the 90’s only to discover it was little more than a religion. This looked very different from past UFO things, and after all, the military seemed to think there was something to it, you know?
    About three weeks ago, a FOIA request from the British publication, The Sun, finally saw the light of day. It was roughly 1500 pages of documents from the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the media ran with it quickly. These documents even had a medical report stating that there were side effects of close encounters like radiation sickness, and even an unexplained pregnancy. I am wondering why no anal probes, but you can’t have everything, I guess. All of this comes from official government sources, after all, and even the US Congress passed a law requiring the Pentagon to study, report, and turn over all the information they have on little green guys. Well, that has happened now and the story it tells is interesting enough, but it is also not so scifi and pretty much what I reported back in 17.
    I recall being in many conversations with believers who gave the governments motives for secrecy as the existence of aliens would cause mass panic and might even bring down civilization. I think we can put that notion to rest now, because that is exactly what the news is reporting, and the public reaction so far has been mostly, “so what?” I know what I told you guys, five years ago, got little to no reaction at all, and it was about a hardcore case of tax money being blown on nothing. If 27 million dollars won’t piss you off, I really don’t see why aliens with anal probes would.
    A short recap of current events is in order here. An ex-spook for the DIA went to the NY Times in 17 and ‘leaked’ gun camera footage of UFO’s that he called UAP’s. This guy, Lou Elizondo, also said he ran a secret program called ATTIP, that studied UFO’s and it was canceled back in 2012. It was taken seriously because he had a Deputy Director of the DIA backing him along with the then Senate Majority leader, the late Harry Reid. My first red flag here was that I had heard Elozondo’s name come up before the Times story and it was unrelated to UFO’s. I was told that he was a well-known water boy for Reid in the Pentagon. All of these claims vanished not long after the times story, and I admit Elizondo is a pretty convincing salesman for his claims, but you have to remember, he’s a spy. They aren’t like James Bond in real life, they’re actually government employed car salesmen who are paid to tell Vladimir Putin, “Naaa, it’s just road miles.” Elizondo had just enough stuff, and was in the right position, with the right story, to make his claims realistic and when the media jumped in and muddied the waters this story began to take on a life of its own.
    I admit that what I wrote about this in 17 was not the entire story because, back then, I did not have it all. Well, there were some holes in Elizondo’s story too, and I figured it would all eventually come out. It did and it was in the form of 1500 pages of DIA documents. The new details have come to light, and they filled in a great deal. It was to the point that I am sure my initial impression of this was correct. Despite the fact that there is no longer any question that Elizondo is lying, that is not what the news is reporting, because they are only talking about the medical report, which unsurprisingly is the only place in those documents that mentions UFO’s. So let us get that out of the way first.
    The ‘medical report’ was done by a guy named Dr Kit Green, who is a real doctor, but spent years promoting and testifying to the authenticity of the FOX Alien Autopsy video, which we now know was a complete hoax. His report was roughly 40 pages long and his ‘cases’ were not his. He did provide an index for his sources and guess where most of them came from? They were from the archives of the National Inquirer. That is not a metaphor guys, that is really where he got most of them. He even got some reports from Penthouse Australia. I guess we know where the pregnancy report came from. So, the ‘medical report’ was bogus and only important for a couple of reasons. Like everything else involved in this, it was not secret. It had even been the subject of an article in Popular Mechanics. The second reason is that Green did his report as a subcontractor for the real character who is at the center of all this. The guy is a billionaire named Robert Bigelow, from Vegas, who owns and aerospace company, is an avid paranormal believer, and was a BFF of none other than Senator Harry Reid.
    Bigelow had gotten himself into a financial squeeze and Reid was looking out for his buddy, by getting him a defense contract. Most of the documents were contractual negotiations between Reid, Bigelow, and the office of the DIA. The actual contract is in the documents, and it tells the entire story of ATTIP, and oddly enough it was never real. ATTIP was a name dreamed up by Reid’s office, and they kept calling it ATIPP, AATP, and several variations because apparently no one at his office could figure out the right letters. I had that same problem back in 17. It was just a cover name for Bigelow’s project, officially a sub project of ATTIP, which was finally just called an ‘oversight committee’ that never had a single committee member. It never did anything, it never had a budget, and in my opinion was just camouflage for ASWAP which was Bigelow’s contracted project.
    The ASWAP project never did anything either, except to spend around 17 million dollars trying to get set up. The contract was eventually canceled, and Bigelow never got the real budget he was after. This was despite the fact that Reid was personally involved in the negotiations, something that US Senators never do. Just to bottom line it here for you, the DIA was making excuses to get out from under a contract they never wanted anything to do with, despite a lot of pressure from the Senate Majority Leader. They made every excuse in the book, and finally got what they wanted by nailing Bigelow with a clause that he could not provide secure facilities. Bigelow remodeled some hotel rooms in one of his casinos, with taxpayer money, and said he now had the proper place to do the work. The DIA didn’t buy it and Bigelow could not push it because he could not afford to tell them some of the things he was really doing. To illustrate what, Bigelow told his people that the rooms were for alien artifacts.
    Sound absurd? You might be saying, “but wasn’t this project for the study of UFO’s?” No, ASWAP and ATTIP were never tasked with any such mission. How do we know this? It is in the documents and on the contract, none of which was ever classified. The purpose of this program was to act as a think tank, to look at current technology, and speculate about what kinds of weapons Russia and China might be able to develop in 40 years. It was supposed to use open sources for this, including academia. One of the few things Bigelow did with the money was set up a grant and tuition program to harvest the best minds in different fields. Translation, it was a jobs program for his company, but such things are typical with these kinds of deals.
    The hitch to all of this was that Bigelow had told his people this was a UFO thing, formed a company to study just that, and even recruited a rock singer to run it. He also bought Skinwalker Ranch, an alleged hotspot of paranormal activity, and started a TV show about it that bombed. Reid knew his buddy was doing this and was probably all for it, so he had to hide it under the cover of one of his sub committee’s that was classified. That was why Bigelow needed the security clearance that DIA made sure he could not get. Things went south on them when the GOA got wind of this and began an investigation into Reid. Enter Lou Elizondo.
    One of the biggest holes in the Elizondo story was that he leaked those videos to the NY Times as a whistleblower. He stated that he did this, as well as leaving the Pentagon, because nobody wanted to hear about this serious issue that he was dealing with at ATTIP. Well, this is where holes start popping up in his story. The videos are real enough but have been tampered with. Elizondo also claimed that he got them declassified before leaking them. Well none of that is true, and the first reason is the Pentagon never actually had them. They had been public for several years before the story in the Times. They were on Youtube. That was the biggest mystery to me, where the hell did they come from? Enter Dave Fravor.
    Lt. Commander Dave Fravor was a jet pilot who saw the now famous ‘Tic Tac’ UFO in 2004. He has given many interviews about it, but prior to the ATTIP thing, his encounter had gone largely ignored, even by the Navy. I am not going to go into detail here, only to say that I believe Fravor and the other pilots who came forward, even if I am fairly certain that what they saw was nothing as incredible as an alien spaceship. His bosses made some calls about what should have been a serious security issue concerning an aircraft carrier, and then shrugged it off. That kind of suggests to me that whoever they called knew what it was. What is important here is that Fravor admitted to being the only person to make and have copies of the video and data from those exercises. Well guess who called Fravor a few years later? It was Lou Elizondo acting under the authority of ATTIP, a project that didn’t exist.
    To make a long story short, Fravor said there was never any follow up investigations until Elizondo talked to him. Elizondo has fully admitted that he and several others were ‘investigating’ UFO’s on their own, after ATTIP was axed. I think it is more likely they were just doing it as a hobby, on their own, all along. Once Senator Reid needed a diversion, Elizondo went ahead with his new career plans, that of UFO advocate, and took the videos to the Times, since nothing had happened after he put them up on Youtube. Now he had the weight of Reid’s press contacts and it got him in the door, and the article published. Reid went ahead and retired, and along with aliens grabbing the headlines, he walked from yet another investigation into his pork habit that he was well known for in the Senate. The story has only grown from there.
    To bottom line it, all we really have on UFO’s now is the same thing we had before 2017. We have some blurry pictures, and eyewitnesses that are not sure of what they saw. Maybe there really are aliens here, probably disguised as Chris Rock and that might explain Will Smith, but at the end of the day we still have no evidence of this. What made all of this blow up was Elizondo’s claim that the US Military was investigating it after years of denial. I can safely say now that this is not the case. The military really doesn’t have anything on aliens and more important, they don’t care about it. If Elizondo proved anything, it was that. Maybe the guy is a true believer and is running a scam that he believes will get the Pentagon to fess up, maybe he just wanted a new career, maybe both. Despite being on the inside, and obviously digging into this subject with lots of help, some of it high powered, all he ever really found were those videos, something the military never even cared about. Unfortunately, our media is never going to report this despite the fact that the truth of the matter is right there for anyone to see. I think that is the real story here, our news sources are worthless. If you take anything from this, take that.

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