Home Forums Updates WELCOME TO THE 31 DAYS OF HALLOWEEN 2022

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  • #5867

    I’m not seeing the Ann clowning around render in the horror gallery? Anyone else seeing it?

    All the rest are awesome as usual! The belly cuts were a very nice touch on the Penny getting rescued render!


    Temple Teetoo Trespass:

    Sometimes in life there are some hard, painful, and permanent lessons to be learned. These two beauties are currently finding out that trespassing where not wanted is one of them. Will be extra painful since the blade is aimed at the teets instead of the belly button. Not sure the blade will make it all the way thru the sternum. At any rate the natives will soon have plenty of blood in the collection bin.


    Chamber of Chororo:

    There is about to be a lot of excessive wailing and screaming as soon as the blade hits the teets of I think Maria currently under the blade. Of course they will be somewhat muffled by the gag. No fun there! As for the other two, I’m not sure what threat they are facing, but I think I would lots rather take a bullet or whatever then to face the slow torturous slicing of the falling blade. IMHO.


    DAY 11: Today, Sara and Demi are obviously in anticipating something, probably Halloween!

    Irishlad, I checked and the picture with Ann posted, for some reason it was in the middle of the gallery. I moved it back to the top so it should be there now. Sorry about that.


    Thank you sir!


    I see it now too

    oh my why did these creepy clowns pick me? Hey that’s my top. rope? oh no and a log this isn’t looking good for me


    Ann, the actual picture you requested, with the clowns and clips, will be posted tomorrow if I remember correctly.


    oh that will be fun i am excited


    DAY 11: Ann and today is your big day. Ann requested this picture a while back and it turned out so well that I made it a Day of Halloween. Maya has a new picture in her section of the damsel gallery as well.

    Trivia: Every October I have a list of movies I watch to get in the Halloween mood. One of those is the 1953 George Pal classic, War Of the Worlds. It might seem dated to most eyes now, but it was a well thought out movie, and was the peak of what you could get from almost exclusively filming on a backlot. Many tropes you see in modern films were invented by this one, and several movies, such as Independence Day was pretty much a remake. That includes Will Smith’s sarcastic quip of, “Welcome to Earth.” It has been copied in several movies now, but it originated in WoW’s. There’s quite a bit of trivia surrounding WoW’s but I just wanted to relate something I only just discovered. It is also another Halloween tie in. A later to be famous person had a bit part in this movie and you could never recognize her because she is known for having Black hair, and in this she is a blonde. In the montage of people listening to the radio broadcast about the invasion, you see quite a few shots that were actually B-Roll stock taken from Pal’s earlier movie, When Worlds Collide. He did film some new scenes including one with himself paying for a cup of coffee. There was another scene showing a party and the first girl you see, sitting on a couch and drinking with a guy, is none other than a blonde headed Carolyn Jones/aka Morticia Adams of Adams Family fame. I was like, wow!


    OH my the little creeps have stripped me naked. They took such delight in putting these clothespins on my body, owch they hurt I hope they take them off soon. whoa wait not like that no please.


    DAY 13: Penny and Ann are doing a Ghostbusters thing and ‘cleaning up the town.’ Meanwhile Demi has a new one in the horror section where she wonders “who was that masked man?”


    Looking good in that cute maid uniform!


    yes shows a bit of cheek when bending to dust the low places


    Day 14: Demi meets the masked serial killer! Or was he a cereal killer? I’ll have to ask Tony about that one.



    I never made that connection that Carolyn Jones was in War of the Worlds. Guess it was because of the blonde hair. Funny you should mention that though because I just watched her in a western the other night with Kirk Douglas and Anthony Quinn. Last Train from Gun Hill (1959) She was a brunette in that one.

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