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    Hello everybody! If you visited my old yahoo groups or my DA page then you have some idea of what to expect. For starters, I have no shortage of new material to post. After I put the new pictures up, I discovered I literally had 1001 pictures left in my unpublished folder. Now that I am no longer subjected to other peoples standards and rules, I can push more limits although, half the fun of that was seeing what I could get away with. There are also some other changes coming, but they will be over time. For one thing, despite the fact that this site is now functional, I am still looking at how to grow it into exactly what I want. It has been a long time since I have fooled with websites and a lot has changed. I’m functional at building and using it, but I still have a long way to go. The more I learn, the better this site will get, I hope. For now, my entire library will not be posted. I have a lot of storage space, but until I host my own site (which is coming) too much on here will slow the site down.

    Technical changes are also not the only thing on the way. Since I have had to change so much lately, I just went all the way. For the past decade I have basically limited my art work to Gen 3 figures as bases. The reason for this was how much content I had for those figures. A lot of work went into that and I had decided to hang on to that stuff for as long as possible. Recent changes from an unexpected source, Adobe Flash of all places, has now hung the “game over” sign up on the wall. It did not make my rendering system useless, but it sure has put a big dent it. I have to figure that most of my software and content is headed for that big recycle bin in the sky. I am now looking at moving most of my work to DAZ, unfortunately that program still has serious flaws. If I can figure a work around then I will begin to use gen 8.1 figures. In case you have not seen them, they are almost photorealistic.

    My posting schedule will not be as regular as it was on DA. I plan on posting multiple pictures, once a week, for the time being. My goal is to get back up to daily posts again, but this will only be after I have a workable file system in place that can handle it. So things are growing and changing here. Keep visiting me to see them!

    Most of all, if you knew me from Yahoo or DA, please say hi! Thanks!


    One of your resident damsels checking in! I’m glad you have a home again, and I’m excited about what you can do without the constraints of Yahoo and DeviantArt.


    Good to see you Penny! You’re the first person to post in the forum and that is only fitting! Glad you are here and hope you like your gallery!


    another long term fan checking in, with a big thanks to Penny for letting me know where to find this place!


    Top billing, even! Thank you!


    Hello Pete Will Burner here. You say you’re going to move to Daz studio which is what I use. My Penelope is Daz model V4.2 called Helena.
    Daz does have flaws which I can easily work around because I’ve been using Daz for about 7 years.
    I don’t know much about gen 8.1, because I use Victoria 4.2 or V4.2 because characters to me much more flexible to work with then the new generation characters.
    I strongly success you buy the Daz V4.2 program first and see what I’m talking about. At Stake damsel forum my gif I post there I create in my Daz program.
    I gladly chat with you about Daz good and bad. Talk more later, Will Burner


    still getting acclimated to the site; at the site that shall not be named i came to hope for a daily update; here for the Perils of 2021 it seems there may be a couple of days with no new image, then several at once; that’s cool, just wondering if that’s the norm

    and i should check in with the other sections to check for new images, or will everything be in 2021?


    Bill, I use poser but I largely use Daz content. The models I use most of the time are Victoria 3’s. I do have V4 models though, and I actually have one of Penny. They work just fine in Poser up till the Genesis line. My problem with Daz is with the program itself. Yes it works just fine, the problem with it is where it wants to install. I run solid state computers and the drawback to that is your SSD card only has so much room. Installing your content on it is not an option. I have more content than there is room on any SSD card made. Until I get Daz installed and functioning on a non system drive, I can’t use it. I am working on that.

    MadMax! Great to see you! As for regular posting updates, right now there is a LOT of new stuff. Not all of it is on the 2021 page. All of the pictures that were sitting in my Sept – Dec folders for 2020 are on the appropriate page and none of them were published at my last site. Everything on 2021 is new. There is also some new content in the General and Damsel’s gallery, but as of right now, not much. For example, I posted a new picture of Ann, in her gallery, just this past Monday. As for the posting schedule, what we have right now is not permanent and it is my goal to get back to daily updates. There has been significant progress towards that and I expect it to happen soon. Unlike at my past homes, I have to do everything here myself, you know, the stuff that usually goes on behind the scenes. There are a lot of things that have to fall into place first, and I’m working towards that. I do have a scheduler now, but it has to be tested. I have to set the page up to handle the flow, and I want the new stuff to be easy to find. The biggest thing though, right now, is there is so much new stuff up anyway, literally 100’s of pictures, that I want them to be seen and any new faces around here to have time to go through the existing galleries. So give me time, there are a lot of changes coming and I hope to have this place very active, and not in the distant future.


    That’s great Pete that you have Daz issue under control.
    I create a new topic “Wall at Burnadino” just to see if I can talk about individual pictures.
    If you think to early to get into that because you’re too busy I won’t create another.
    Like me know. Will Burner


    Bill, please feel free, start all the topics you want!


    Bill, I’m looking and do not see it. It is supposed to notify me so I can approve it, but it isn’t there. I guess this is a good test, try to create it again. As soon as I see it come up I will approve.


    Pete I click on red Forum Rules (please read) and I created a thread topic reading in red DCB3939, which when point cursor at DCB3939 it says Wall At Burnadino. Then I click on it and I’m there. I don’t know what to say. It’s there???? Maybe it’s not showing were you expect it should be? Will Burner


    Follow up, I have to click on red Hours minute when it shows Wall at Burnadino and not on my username DCB3939. Will Burner


    Bill, I found it and I think it was my fault. I was not looking for it in that topic. I thought you meant you had created an entirely new topic which would have showed up on my dashboard.


    New topic was my goal but I couldn’t figure how to create it from scratch.
    Let me try again soon. Will Burner

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